Why Tint Your Rear Windscreen?

Whether it be for fashion or safety reasons, rear windscreen tinting is becoming more and more popular amongst drivers. When the correct procedures and legal regulations are followed, rear window tinting can be a perfectly safe addition to your vehicle, with drivers choosing to have it installed for a variety of reasons. If you are thinking of having your rear windscreen tinted or would just like to find out more about this service, this article will look into what the benefits are and what to consider.
Protection Against Shattered Glass
Contrary to common belief, tinted windscreens can improve safety levels within the car as the tinted window film will hold the glass securely in place should it shatter due to impact. In turn, this will help to keep those inside the car safe in the event of an accident occurring.
Protect Your Belongings
Whilst it may seem obvious, many drivers often overlook the protection that tinted windscreens can provide for items kept inside the vehicle. Tinted glass can restrict the view potential thieves have into your car, meaning that they are less likely to try and break into the vehicle to steal your belongings.
Not only that, as mentioned above, the window film holds the glass together should it experience any impact, whether it be accidental or intentional.
Reduce Glare and UV Ray Exposure
Tinted windscreens can help to reduce glare and UV ray exposure through the glass. Not only will this help a driver’s vision on the road, but it will also protect the condition of the upholstery inside the car.
Reduce Heat to Stay Cool
Particularly during the spring/summer seasons, the interior of the car can become very hot and stuffy, resulting in most drivers turning their air conditioning on full-blast. Rear windscreen tinting can help to regulate the temperature – and lower running costs – by reducing the heat that enters the car, helping you to stay cool and improve comfort levels inside the car.
When deciding whether rear windscreen tinting is for you, it’s important to familiarise yourself with the law surrounding the process to ensure your vehicle adheres to the relevant regulations.
According to government guidelines, for vehicles which were first used on 1 April 1985 or later, “The front windscreen must let at least 75% of light through”, and for vehicles which were first used before 1 April 1985, “The front windscreen must let at least 70% of light through.”
It’s worth noting that there are strict penalties for drivers who’s windscreens have been tinted incorrectly. If it is suspected that you are driving with illegally tinted glass, the police or the DVSA vehicle examiners will use specialist light measuring equipment to check the darkness of the tint. If they determine that the tint on the windscreen is too dark, you could receive a prohibition notice which prevents you from driving your vehicle on the roads until the extra tint is removed, or a penalty notice/court summons.
For fast, reliable windscreen repairs and replacements throughout Leeds, Grimsby, Sheffield, Doncaster, Chesterfield, Barnsley and areas across the UK, look no further than Motorway Windscreens. We pride ourselves on our prompt response, quality workmanship and excellent customer service, so you can rest assured knowing that you are in the hands of experts when coming to us.