Unusual UK Driving Laws You Might be Breaking
With an increasing number of driving laws coming into play, it can be difficult for motorists to keep up with them all. As a result, we’re on hand to highlight the driving laws you could be breaking, without even knowing. Where some have been widely publicised, there are others which are less well-known and could continue reading…
Is it legal to drive with a cracked windscreen?
Driving with a cracked windscreen in the UK is a complicated issue but depending on the size and location of the chip, you may be able to repair it and continue driving legally. Cracked windscreen law is designed to keep everyone safe, so in looking up the law regarding your cracked windscreen you are doing continue reading…
Is it illegal to drive with a broken wing mirror?
When your vehicle is missing a wing mirror, rearview mirror, or both, is it illegal to drive on UK roads? Motorway Windscreens is here to provide the answer. Car Mirrors Fitted as standard on all vehicles, there’s often three rearview mirrors. The interior rearview mirror is in the top middle section of the windscreen if continue reading…